Friday, December 7, 2012

Homemade (bottled) Starbucks Fraps

Let us begin our DIY adventures with something really simple: 
Homemade (bottled) Starbucks Fraps

I found this recipe on Pinterest and was surprised at how easy it was supposed to be.  I was a little bit weary though because when I clicked on the pin (to get to the link it was pinned from), it did not take me to a website that had the recipe.  I started to think that maybe somebody just took a picture and slapped a recipe on it just to see how many people would actually try it.  Despite my hesitation, I decided to just dive on in and try it; the worst that could happen is that it tastes bad, right?

Well, here is the recipe:
10 cups of coffee {I used about half cold and half freshly brewed to help dissolve the sugars}
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 brown sugar
1/2 cup vanilla creamer

I started with my 4 cups of cold coffee (that was all I had in my fridge at the time) in my pitcher...

I measured out the other ingredients into a bowl

Once my fresh coffee was done brewing, I poured 4 cups of it hot into the pitcher along with the 4 cold cups

Then, I poured the sugars and creamer into the pitcher and stirred until it was all dissolved (the color of the drink was darker than I expected)

I finished it up by pouring 2 more cups of hot coffee into the pitcher and stirring again.  After about 20 minutes in the fridge I decided I had to at least have a taste of this trial recipe.  Husband and I agreed...okay, but not very good.

I let the drink sit in the fridge overnight and decided to give it another try this morning.  The verdict is better than yesterday, but, I do need to do some tweaking around with the ingredients and see if I can perfect it.  The recipe, followed exactly as stated on Pinterest, has a strong brown sugar taste and doesn't have the kind of sweetness like a store bought bottled Starbucks drink.  I'll be sure to add more to this post once I find the right combination.  I encourage you to try out the recipe for yourself; you may like it just how it is or be able to help me figure out the missing detail!
Happy Homemaking :)
the Housewife

1 comment:

  1. I made this last night and waited till this morning to try it. I changed the brown sugar to 3/4 cup and the white to only 1/4. I also used flavored creamer because I didn't have regular. It's actually pretty close :) Next time I may do all brown sugar, it's not perfect it still needs some tweaking, but it is pretty good!
